International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences (IJCMAS)
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IJCMAS operates peer review process based on the guidelines of Committee on Publication Ethics

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Editorial Policy

Informed Consent

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences (IJCMAS)

Introduction: The International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences (IJCMAS) is committed to ensuring that research is conducted responsibly and ethically. Adhering to the guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), this Informed Consent Policy ensures the protection of the rights, safety, dignity, and well-being of research participants.

1. Principles of Informed Consent: All research articles involving human participants submitted to IJCMAS must be accompanied by evidence of informed consent, which emphasizes:

Voluntary participation: All participants should agree to participate without any form of coercion.

Full disclosure: Participants should be provided with comprehensive information about the research's purpose, methods, potential benefits, risks, and the confidentiality of personal data.

Comprehension: It must be ensured that the participant understands the information provided.

Agreement: Participants should actively indicate their willingness to participate, usually through a signed document.

2. Obtaining Informed Consent:

  2.1. Written Consent: Informed consent should be obtained in writing. If the participant cannot write, a thumbprint or the mark of a witness is acceptable.

  2.2. Verbal Consent: In circumstances where written consent is not feasible, verbal consent can be obtained. In such cases, the reasons for not obtaining written consent should be clearly stated, and an impartial witness should preferably be present.

  2.3. Minors: For participants under the age of 18, informed consent should be obtained from a parent or legal guardian.

3. Documentation:

  3.1. Authors are responsible for retaining a copy of the signed informed consent forms. While these will not be routinely requested by IJCMAS, they should be available upon request.

  3.2. The manuscript should clearly indicate that informed consent was obtained, and under which form (written or verbal).

4. Special Cases:

  4.1. For studies involving sensitive topics or vulnerable populations, additional precautions should be taken to ensure participants' protection.

  4.2. If photographs of participants are to be published, explicit consent should be obtained, ensuring that participants understand the implications of publication.

5. Confidentiality:

  All personal data and other private information of participants must be kept confidential. Identifying details should only be published if essential for scientific purposes and with the participant's explicit and informed consent.

6. Exemption:

  In certain circumstances, where obtaining informed consent is not feasible or relevant (e.g., retrospective studies), the reasons should be clearly stated in the manuscript. This exemption is at the discretion of the IJCMAS editorial board and should adhere to COPE guidelines.

7. Non-compliance:

  Failure to adhere to this policy may result in the rejection of the manuscript or its retraction post-publication.

Conclusion: This Informed Consent Policy protects the rights and dignity of research participants. IJCMAS expects all authors to adhere to these standards diligently and uphold the highest ethical standards in their research.

Review & Updates: This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary, keeping in alignment with the recommendations of COPE and best practices in research ethics.