PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcmas@gmail.com / submit@ijcmas.com Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39 NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38 |
A study was designed with an objective to determine the safety of water for drinking or food preparation. The physical quality was checked on the basis of pH and total hardness. Out of 117 samples tested, 40 (34.18%) were satisfactory i.e., MPN count between 1 and 3. Forty (34.18%) were suspicious and rest 37 (31.62%) were unsatisfactory. 111 (94.87%) samples had pH in the range of 6.5-8.5, remaining 6 (5.12%) had pH >8. Of 117 samples tested, none of the samples were soft or moderately hard, 72 (61.53%) were hard (3-6 mEQ/L) and 45 (38.46%) were very hard (>6 mEQ/L).