PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcmas@gmail.com / submit@ijcmas.com Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39 NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38 |
Water pollution is a global problem and poses a serious threat to human life. The World Health Organization estimated that there are four billion cases of diarrhea each year in addition to millions of other cases of illness associated with the lack of access to clean water. This present study was designed to analyze the microbiological quality of the available drinking water from various sources in and around the area of Jammu. Drinking water samples were received in the Department of Microbiology occasionally through government district health authorities for the assessment of bacteriological quality of water from various public places in the interest of public health. A total of 152 water samples received from different sources (over head tank, well and tube wells, piped water taps, springs through spouts and household filter) from different parts of Jammu district were subjected for bacteriological analysis by MPN method. The total coliform count test was based on the multiple tube fermentation method to estimate the most probable number (MPN) of coliform organism in 100 mL of water for diagnosis of bacteriological contamination. . The results of MPN were interpreted based on McCrady's probability tables. A total of 152 water samples were received from different water sources (tap water=65,tube wells=43,over head tank = 10, restaurants=15 and household filter = 19) in Jammu District in the Department of Microbiology during the year 2017/2018. Of the tested samples, 35(23.02%) were excellent ,21 (13.81%) were satisfactory, 08 (5.26%) were suspicious and 88 (57.89%) were unsatisfactory according to McCrady's probability chart. Also distribution of presumptive coliform count in relation to the different sources was studied. The present study assessed the bacteriological quality of water in different drinking water sources in the district of Jammu; 57.89% of the samples were found to be unsatisfactory and unfit for human consumption. Of all the samples tested only 51/152 (33.55%) were found to be excellent even after the inclusion of household filtered waters. Such high percentage of unsatisfactory water samples calls for public awareness, immediate attention, and action by the authorities. A comprehensive development program must include a practical and cost-effective approach to provide potable water and a more aggressive approach to reduce the risk of water-related transmission of diseases.