PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcmas@gmail.com / submit@ijcmas.com Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39 NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38 |
Study on structure and growing Stock of deodar stands of Himalayan forests under existing mute silvical treatments due to imposed ban on green felling revealed that stem density (N/ha) varied in increasing order 277.8, 390,484.4 and 816.7 under PBI, II, III and IV approves the principle of allotment of PBs as per the crop age. Regenerated block PBIV, obviously supports more density. Whereas, diameter at breast height (cm) was found increasing from 21.11 cm in PBIV 30.01 cm in PBIII 44.64 cm in PBII and 57.37 cm in PBI and maximum mean diameter of the site reported 40.34 cm in Cheog (S3). Diameter performance shows smaller diameter trees with higher stem density in PBIV and higher diameter trees in PBI with less stocking. Good soil depth and less disturbances compared to other sites be added substantiation for significant diameter performance at S3. Mean tree height showed significant variation with 26.67 m at S3 and 31.88 m in PBI. Tree height differentiation indicates the level of competition with neighbor resulting differentiated use of vertical space as well as varying pattern of crown size formation with respect to density for light requirements in these stands. Trees on good site quality grow taller than on poor ones. Highest mean basal area 70.95 m2/ha obtained in PBI and lowest 34.02 m2/ha in PBIV and at site level highest 56.38 m2/ha at S3 and lowest 44.62 m2/ha at Habban (S1) respectively. Form factor performance showed significant variation both at site and their interaction level with minimum 0.219 taper at Chail (S2) and interaction level maximum 0.363 taper at S1B2 and minimum 0.207 at S2B2. The total growing stock (stem volume/ha) showed significant variation for PBs only where PBI (640.44 m3 / ha) > PBII(492.24 m3/ha) > PBIII (381.88 m3/ha) > PBIV (205.79 m3/ha) respectively.