PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcmas@gmail.com / submit@ijcmas.com Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39 NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38 |
An experiment was carried with sugarcane under Nutripellet Pack, which encompasses all the necessary nutrients in the necessary proportions. The treatments consists of four doses viz. 50 % NPK, 75 % NPK, 100 % NPK, 125 % NPK and the combinations are T5 = 100 % NPK + Micronutrient mixture,T6 = 100 % NPK + Sugar industry biocompost, T7 = 100 % NPK + Mulching, T8 = Surface application of fertilizers (control), T9 = No fertilizer (Absolute control). The results showed that the yield parameters such as hill population (7834.20), single cane weight (2.12 kg), no. of canes per hill (12.35), no. of millable cane (96752.37) and the yield (123.6 t ha-1) were found to be high in the treatment received SIBC. The dry matter production and the nutrients uptake data also showed the superiority of T7 followed by T5. The sugar quality parameters like Brix, POL, Purity and sugar recovery were also found to be high in T7 also on par with the other treatments.