PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcmas@gmail.com / submit@ijcmas.com Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39 NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38 |
Twenty nine early maturing sugarcane clones including one check were planted during 2012-13 in RBD with three replications at RAU, Pusa Farm to estimates the variability in red rot inoculated and un-inoculated early maturing sugarcane clones for cane yield and juice quality traits. Observations were recorded in two sets i.e. one un-inoculated canes and other inoculated canes for yield and juice quality traits. The analysis of variance indicated significant differences among the clones for all characters. Wider range was observed for number of shoots at 240 days, plant height, number of millable canes, fibre per cent at harvest, cane and sugar yield in un-inoculated canes, whereas in inoculated canes, disease score, sugar and cane yield, single cane weight and fiber per cent showed wide range of variation. The higher values of GCV and PCV were observed for number of shoots at 240 days, fibre%, plant height, sugar yield, cane yield and number of millable canes in un-inoculated canes, while in inoculated canes it was higher for disease score, sugar yield, cane yield, single cane weight, fiber % and Pol % during January. The higher estimates of heritability were recorded for leaf area index, fibre%, plant height, number of shoots at 240 days, single cane weight and number of millable canes in un-inoculated canes, whereas in inoculated canes all the quantitative and juice quality traits had high to moderate estimates of heritability. The genetic advance as percentage of mean in un-inoculated canes were higher for number of shoots at 240 days, fibre%, plant height, number of millable canes, single cane weight, sugar and cane yield while it was also higher for disease score, sucrose%, cane yield and single cane weight in inoculated canes. Therefore, the results of present investigation suggested that the traits viz. number of shoots 240 days, number of millable canes, single cane weight and sugar yield are the true component characters contributing towards cane yield.