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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 6, Issue:10, October, 2017

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : /
Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2017.6(10): 1973-2008

Effect of Organic Inputs on Strength and Stability of Soil Aggregates Associated Organic Carbon Concentration under Rice-Wheat Rotation in Indo-Gangetic Plain Zone of India
R.K. Naresh1*, A.S. Panwar2, S.S. Dhaliwal3, R.K. Gupta4, Arvind Kumar5, R.S. Rathore6, Ashok Kumar7, Dipender Kumar8, Mohan Lal1, Sunil Kumar2, Saurabh Tyagi1, Vineet Kumar2, S.P. Singh7, Vikrant Singh9 and Nihal Chandra Mahajan1
1Department of Agronomy, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut-250110, U.P., India
2Indian Institute of Farming System Research, Modipuram-250110, U.P., India
3Department of Soil Science, Panjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
4Borlaug Institute for South Asia (BISA), New Delhi -110 012, India
5Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi- U.P., India
6Uttar Pradesh Council of Agricultural Research, (UPDASP), Lucknow- U.P., India
7Department of Soil Science, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut-250110, U.P., India
8Department of Agronomy, Panjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
9Directorate of Sugarcane Development, Aliganj, Lucknow- 226024 (U.P.), India
*Corresponding author

The study aims to elucidate the impact of organic inputs on strength and structural stability of aggregates in a sandy loam soil of Indo-Gangetic Plain Zone of India. Tensile strength, friability and water stability of aggregates, and the carbon contents in bulk soil and in large macro (>2 mm), small macro (0.25-2 mm), micro (0.053-0.25 mm) and silt+ clay size (<0.053) The aggregate were evaluated in soils with different sources and amounts of organic C inputs as partial substitution of N fertilizer. Addition of organic substrates significantly improved soil organic C contents, but the type and source of input had different impacts. Tensile strength of aggregates decreased and friability increased through organic inputs, with a maximum effect under rice residue-farmyard manure and wheat residue substitution.The aggregate strength and density were lower with organic substitution (p < 0.05) while water retention by aggregates at field capacity was 2–4% higher with organic inputs. Macro-aggregates (>0.25 mm) constituted 58–92% of water stable aggregates and varied significantly among treatments and soil depths. Organic material incorporation improved soil aggregation and structural stability and resulted in higher C content in macro-aggregates. Higher macro-aggregates in the crop residue- and farmyard manure-treated soils resulted in a higher aggregate mean weight diameter, which also had higher soil organic C contents. The bulk soil organic C had a strong relation with the mean weight diameter of aggregates, but the soil organic c content in all aggregate fractions was not necessarily effective for aggregate stability. The soil organic C content in large macro-aggregates (2-8mm) had a significant positive effect on aggregate stability, although a reverse effect was observed for aggregates<0.25 mm. Partial substitution of nitrogen by organic substrates improved aggregate properties and the soil organic C content in bulk soil and aggregate fractions, although the relative effect varied with the source and amount of the organic inputs.

Keywords: Tensile strength, Aggregates, Soil organic C, Carbon dynamics, Mean weight diameter.

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How to cite this article:

Naresh, R.K., A.S. Panwar, S.S. Dhaliwal, R.K. Gupta, Arvind Kumar, R.S. Rathore, Ashok Kumar, Dipender Kumar, Mohan Lal, Sunil Kumar, Saurabh Tyagi, Vineet Kumar, S.P. Singh, Vikrant Singh and Nihal Chandra Mahajan. 2017. Effect of Organic Inputs on Strength and Stability of Soil Aggregates Associated Organic Carbon Concentration under Rice-Wheat Rotation in Indo-Gangetic Plain Zone of India.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(10): 1973-2008. doi:
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