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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 6, Issue:10, October, 2017

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : /
Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2017.6(10): 1665-1670

Mycotic Keratitis in Patients Attending a Tertiary Care Hospital
Sri Vaishnavi Renukuntla*, Nisha Karanje and Sakshi Ravikanth Patil
Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College and Hospital, Sangli- 416414, Maharashthra, India
*Corresponding author

The research was done to isolate the common fungal agent involved in mycotic keratitis attending tertiary care hospital. The purpose of isolating the organisms is for the early diagnosis and treatment of the patients. The research lead to the finding that, Corneal trauma was the most common predisposing factor in the pathogenesis of mycotic keratitis, which was mostly seen in farmers i.e, agriculturists who are in the actively working age group.. Aspergillus species was the commonest agent isolated by slide culture, it includes A. flavus, A. fumigatus and A. niger. Methods such as KOH mount and Gram staining are useful in the early diagnosis and treatment of corneal ulcer.

Keywords: Mycotic keratitis, corneal trauma, Aspergillus species, KOH mount, slide culture

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How to cite this article:

Sri Vaishnavi Renukuntla, Nisha Karanje and Sakshi Ravikanth Patil. 2017. Mycotic Keratitis in Patients Attending a Tertiary Care Hospital.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(10): 1665-1670. doi:
Copyright: This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.
