PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcmas@gmail.com / submit@ijcmas.com Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39 NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38 |
An experiment was conducted in JVR- Horticultural Research Station, Malyal to evaluate the efficacy of different herbicides and integrated weed management strategies for weed control on growth and yield attributes in chilli during kharif, 2013-2015. Among the treatments, plant height was minimum in Glyphosate @ 1.5 l/ha directed spray 25 and 50 DAT followed by inter cultivation at 25 and 50 DAT (87.08), Pendimethalin C.S as pre-emergence @ 0.70 l/ha and quizalofopethyl @ 50 ml/ha at 15-20 DAT (79.15) and lowest was recorded in Oxadiargyl as pre-emergence @ 90 ml/ha followed by propaquizafop @ 62.5 l/ha at 15-20 DAT (65.14). Number of primary branches significant and highest in inter cultivation at 25 and 50 DAT (5.18) followed by Glyphosate @ 1.5 l/ha directed spray at 25 and 50 DAT, whereas lowest was reported in Oxadiargyl as pre-emergence @ 90 l/ha followed by quizalofopethyl @ 50ml/ha at 15-20 DAT and pendimethalin C S as pre-emergence @ 0.70 l/ha and propaquizafop @62.5 ml/ha at 15-20 DAT (3.62). Plant spread was noticed in Glyphosate @ 1.5 l/ha directed spray at 25 and 50 DAT followed by inter cultivation at 25 and 50 DAT (20.51), Pendimethalin C.S as pre-emergence @ 0.70 l/ha and propaquizafop @ 62.5 ml/ha at 15-20 DAT (19.82). Number of fruits were highest in Pendimethalin C.S as pre-emergence @0.70 l/ha followed by quizalofopethyl @ 50 ml/ha at 15-20 DAT (186.58), Oxadiargyl as pre-emergence @ 90 ml/ha and Propaquizafop @ 62.5 l/h at 15-20 DAT (184.91). Yield per plant (g) was highest in Pendimethalin C.S as pre-emergence @ 0.70 l/ha followed by quizalofopethyl@ 50 ml/ha at 15-20 DAT, (216.02), Glyphosate @ 1.5 l/ha directed spray 25 and 50 DAT and inter cultivation at 25 and 50 DAT (208.17). Significantly and highest yield (t/ha) was recorded in Glyphosate @ 1.5 l/ha directed spray 25 and 50 DAT followed by inter cultivation at 25 and 50 DAT (4.00 t/ha) Higher weed control efficiency and B C ratio were recorded by the same treatments. These results are useful choosing for efficient and economic method of weed control.