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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 6, Issue:9, September, 2017

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : /
Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2017.6(9): 859-870

Land Evaluation for Land Use Planning towards Sustainable Crop Production: A Case Study of Chhata tehsil in Mathura District, Uttar Pradesh, India
Ashok Kumar1*, S.K. Mahapatra1, Tarsem Lal1, R.P. Yadav1 and S.K. Singh2
1ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS & LUP), Regional Centre, IARI Campus, PUSA, New Delhi-110012, India
2ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS&LUP),Nagpur- 440033, India
*Corresponding author

The land resources of Chhata tehsil of Mathura district, Uttar Pradesh, India was evaluated for land use planning towards sustainable crop production. The land evaluation is crucial for food security, economic growth and overall development of the nation. Currently, land is being subjected to various kinds of degradations, which calls for its evaluation viz., land capability and land irrigability classification for various land uses. Soils of the study area belong to Inceptisols and Entisols orders. Soils were grouped into 9 soil series, categorized under four land capability classes (II, III, IV and VII) and 8 land capability sub-classes, suitable for crop production as well as silvi-pastoral development. Besides, 4 land irrigability classes and 6 sub-classes were also identified based on the degree of soil limitations for sustained use under irrigation. Socio-economic survey revealed the predominance of rice-wheat cropping system in the area. The results indicated higher average crops yield under large land holding categories among and across the soil series. Amongst all land holdings, highest yield was observed in Garhsauli series for rice, Ladpur series for wheat and sorghum, Simri series for mustard, pearl millet and cotton and Chhata series for sugarcane, respectively. Rice and pearl millet during Kharif season for Garhsauli and Simri series and mustard during rabi season for Simri series are the most suitable land use plans under all land holding categories.

Keywords: Land evaluation, Land use planning, Sustainable crop production, Soil series, Land holdings.

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How to cite this article:

Ashok Kumar, S.K. Mahapatra, Tarsem Lal, R.P. Yadav and Singh, S.K. 2017. Land Evaluation for Land Use Planning towards Sustainable Crop Production: A Case Study of Chhata tehsil in Mathura District, Uttar Pradesh, India.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(9): 859-870. doi:
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