Three types of artificial diets viz., Artificial diet1, Artificial diet2 and Artificial diet3 with different compositions were used for rearing of mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori L. where the diets were fed up to initial three instars and the later two instars were reared on natural diet (untreated leaves). Formulated diets were compared with natural diet and the observations on nutritional indices were recorded. The study revealed that amongst the three formulated artificial diets, artificial diet1 (mulberry leaf powder - 30 g, soybean powder - 28 g, cellulose powder - 15 g, corn starch -6 g, citrate - 3.5 g, salt mixture - 4 g, sucrose - 4 g, agar agar -7 g, along with vitamin B mixture- 0.40 g, soybean oil -1.30 g and antibiotic chloramphenicol -1.00 g and water - 302.0 ml) was found to be promising and selected for further studies. Amongst the formulated diets, artificial diet1 exhibited better performance in silkworms under the study. Ingesta, digesta, apparent digestibility, growth index and reference ratio were maximum in  artificial diet1 with 4.788 g, 1.938 g 40.47 per cent, 4.44 and 1.67 followed by artificial diet3 with 4.600 g, 1.708 g, 37.13 per cent, 3.86 and 1.59 respectively." /> Effect of Natural and Artificial Diets on Nutritional Indices of Kolar Gold Race of the Silkworm
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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 10, Issue:3, March, 2021

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
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Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
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Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2021.10(3): 1845-1849

Effect of Natural and Artificial Diets on Nutritional Indices of Kolar Gold Race of the Silkworm
D. Thamidela, A. S. Bagde*, U. B. Hole, P. S. Jadhav, S. B. Birajdar,A. Kavitake, S. S. Kadavkar and S. R. Mande
Department of Entomology, R.C.S.M. College of Agriculture, Kolhapur, (MS) India
*Corresponding author

Three types of artificial diets viz., Artificial diet1, Artificial diet2 and Artificial diet3 with different compositions were used for rearing of mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori L. where the diets were fed up to initial three instars and the later two instars were reared on natural diet (untreated leaves). Formulated diets were compared with natural diet and the observations on nutritional indices were recorded. The study revealed that amongst the three formulated artificial diets, artificial diet1 (mulberry leaf powder - 30 g, soybean powder - 28 g, cellulose powder - 15 g, corn starch -6 g, citrate - 3.5 g, salt mixture - 4 g, sucrose - 4 g, agar agar -7 g, along with vitamin B mixture- 0.40 g, soybean oil -1.30 g and antibiotic chloramphenicol -1.00 g and water - 302.0 ml) was found to be promising and selected for further studies. Amongst the formulated diets, artificial diet1 exhibited better performance in silkworms under the study. Ingesta, digesta, apparent digestibility, growth index and reference ratio were maximum in  artificial diet1 with 4.788 g, 1.938 g 40.47 per cent, 4.44 and 1.67 followed by artificial diet3 with 4.600 g, 1.708 g, 37.13 per cent, 3.86 and 1.59 respectively.

Keywords: Artificial diets, Natural diet, Silkworm rearing, Nutritional indices

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How to cite this article:

Thamidela, M. D., A. S. Bagde, U. B. Hole, P. S. Jadhav, S. B. Birajdar, O. A. Kavitake, S. S. Kadavkar and Mande, S. R. 2021. Effect of Natural and Artificial Diets on Nutritional Indices of Kolar Gold Race of the Silkworm.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 10(3): 1845-1849. doi:
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