Comparative Analysis for Correlation of NS1 Antigen Positivity Performed by Immunochromatographic (Rapid Card test) with Collection of Blood during First Week of Fever in Clinically Suspected Cases of Dengue Patients in a Tertiary Care Medical College Hospital
Shreeram Astic Deshpande*, Lavanya and K. Gnanaprakash
Department of Microbiology, Karpagam Faculty of Medical Sciences and Research, Othakkalmandapam, Coimbatore, India
*Corresponding author
NS1 antigen, known as Non Structural antigen is an important antigenic component of Dengue Virus. Dengue virus is transmitted by bite of Aedes aegyptii mosquito. Hemorrhagic manifestations and shock syndrome are most dreaded complications of Dengue IgM antibody is produced in Acute phase and IgG in later phases of Dengue and may remain for very long periods.
Keywords: NS1 Antigen,Aedes aegyptii mosquito,Shock syndrome
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Shreeram Astic Deshpande, Lavanya and Gnanaprakash, K. 2021. Comparative Analysis for Correlation of NS1 Antigen Positivity Performed by Immunochromatographic (Rapid Card test) with Collection of Blood during First Week of Fever in Clinically Suspected Cases of Dengue Patients in a Tertiary Care Medical College Hospital.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 10(3): 955-958. doi: