PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcmas@gmail.com / submit@ijcmas.com Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39 NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38 |
A field experiment was conducted in an already established Agri-silvi-horticultural system of agro-forestry at CCS H.A.U. Regional Research Station, Bawal (Rewari) during both Kharif and Rabi seasons of 2019-20, in which, Mahaneem (Ailanthus excelsa) was taken as forest tree species and Guava (Psidium guajava) and Aonla (Embilica officinalis) as horticulture trees planted at 6×6 m distance. In Kharif season, fodder crops i.e. Cowpea (Vigna ungiculata), Bajri (Pennisetum glaucum) and Dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) were taken in association with perennial woody plants forming agri-silvi-horticultural system of agroforestry. While in Rabi season, fodder crops i.e. Oat (Avena sativa), Kasni (Chicorium intybus) and Barley (Hordium vulgare) were taken. Green fodder yield of all fodder crops was recorded during both the seasons and under both agri- silvi-horticulture system and sole crops. Among the agri-silvi-horticulture systems, Kasni + Guava + Mahaneem exhibited the highest yield. Maximum green fodder yield was received by Bajri + Guava + Mahaneem based agri-silvi-horticulture system during Kharif season while in Rabi season Kasni + guava + Mahaneem based agri-silvi-horticulture system attained highest yield followed by Kasni + Aonla + Mahaneem based agri-silvi-horticulture system. Similarly the total green fodder yield was found maximum in Kasni sole (537.97 q/ha) followed by oat sole (487.80q/ha) and barley sole (392.25 q/ha) during Rabi season while in Kharif season maximum green fodder yield was attained by bajri sole (190.71 q/ha) followed by Dhaincha sole (129.26q/ha) and cowpea sole (109.66 q/ha). Same trend was observed under Aonla+ Mahaneem based agri-silvi-horticulture system. The green fodder yield was found significantly higher under control (sole cropping) and among the various agri-silvi-horticulture systems, Guava + Mahaneem system recorded higher yield than Aonla + Mahaneem system. Rabi season fodder crops attained higher yield as compared to Kharif season fodder crops.