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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 9, Issue:6, June, 2020

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
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Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2020.9(6): 2429-2456

Identification and Evaluation of High Yielding Good Quality Jack Genotypes
(Horticulture), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Agricultural College and
Research Institute, Kudumiyanmalai, India
*Corresponding author

The experiment was conducted with the bearing trees of different Jackfruit genotypes at Pudukkottai District of Tamil Nadu during the year 2016-2019. Fifty five jackfruit genotypes viz., KDM-AhJ-01 to KDM-AhJ-55 were selected for the study to identify superior ones. The age of the selected tress ranged from 07 to 33 years. The selected superior genotypes differ widely among themselves. Great variability exists with regards to many growth characters viz., tree height 2.20 m to 10.30 m, trunk girth (cm) 45 to 158 cm, and canopy spread E-W direction 1.20-3.60 m, canopy spread N-S direction 1.12 to 3.80 m, month of flowering during November –December and January to February. Harvest during the month of January to March, April to June and July to September. Yield and quality characters viz., number of fruits per tree (10-50 nos.), individual fruit weight  ( 7-18 kg), yield per tree ( 80-810 kg), fruit length (11.00 to 45.00 cm), fruit breadth (18.00 to 57.00 cm), TSS 6.00 to 29.00  (0brix), colour and appearance (4.00 to 9.00), flavor (4.00 to 9.00), fexture/firmness (4.00 to 9.00), taste (3.00  to 9.00) and overall acceptability (5.00 to 9.30). Jackfruit trees are cross pollinated and are mostly seed propagated. As a result, morphological and agronomical characters of jackfruit showed a distinct range of variation. The quantitative data of jackfruit germplasm and their range, mean, standard deviation (SD), standard error (SE) and coefficient of variance (CV%) are presented. The highest morphological and agronomical characters was observed for trunk girth (CV 613.59%) followed by tree height (CV 3.92 %). Minimum variation was noticed in canopy spread E-W direction (CV 0.53%), canopy spread N-S direction (CV 0.51%). The highest yield variation was observed for yield per tree (CV 22577.38%). Total number of fruits per plant (CV 113.91%), fruit breadth (CV 72.70%), TSS (54.120brix), fruit length (CV45.54%). Minimum variation was noticed in individual fruit weight (CV 5.37%). Organoleptic evaluation viz., colour and appearance (CV 1.08 %), flavor (CV 1.05%), texture/firmness CV value (1.34%), taste CV value (1.57%), overall acceptability (CV 1.33%). Among the fifty five jackfruit germplasms, three germplasm KDM-AhJ-08, KDM-AhJ-10, KDM-AhJ-46, showed good bearing and quality habit. So, the germplasm KDM-AhJ-08, KDM-AhJ-10, KDM-AhJ-46 were found to be suitable for jackfruit cultivation at dry tracts of Tamil Nadu.

Keywords: Jackfruit (J), KDM (Kudumiyanmali), Artocarpus heterophyllus (Ah) Collection, Evaluation, germplasm, genotypes

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How to cite this article:

Jayavalli. R. 2020. Identification and Evaluation of High Yielding Good Quality Jack Genotypes.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 9(6): 2429-2456. doi:
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