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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 9, Issue:6, June, 2020

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : /
Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2020.9(6): 2637-2642

Correlation of Weather Factors on the Incidence of Epilachna Beetle Henosepilachna septima Dieke and its Natural Enemy
M. M. Mawtham1*, C. Gailce Leo Justin2, S. Sheeba Joyce Roseleen2 and M. Chandrasekaran3
1Department of Agricultural Entomology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 641 003, India
2Department of Plant Protection, Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tiruchirappalli 620 027, India
 3Department of Plant Protection, Horticultural College and Research Institute (Women) Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tiruchirappalli 620 027, India
*Corresponding author

The epilachna beetle (Henosepilachna septima Dieke) is one of the serious pests on cucurbits. The grubs and adults feed throughout the crop stages and results in skeletonising the leaves. The seasonal incidence of epilachna beetle and their natural enemy Quadrastichus ovulorum (Ferriere) was carried out during kharif and rabi, 2017-19. Field experiments were conducted in farmer’s field at Ellamanam village, Tiruchirappalli district. The incidence of epilachna beetle was found maximum from 40th SMW to 46th SMW (Standard Meteorological Week). The population of epilachna beetle was positively correlated with maximum temperature and wind direction and negatively correlated with minimum temperature, rainfall, relative humidity and wind speed. The egg parasitisation of epilachna beetle was found minimum and maximum during 45th SMW (33.33%) and 40th SMW (48.44%), respectively. The egg parasitisation was negatively correlated with maximum temperature, minimum temperature, rainfall, wind speed and positively associated with relative humidity. The minimum damage of leaves (1.11 %) and flower (4.44 %) followed by maximum damage in 46th (28.89 %) and 39th (16.67 %) SMW.

Keywords: Epilachna beetle, egg parasitoid, leaf and flower damage, weather parameters

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How to cite this article:

Mawtham. M. M., C. Gailce Leo Justin, S. Sheeba Joyce Roseleen and Chandrasekaran. M. 2020. Correlation of Weather Factors on the Incidence of Epilachna Beetle Henosepilachna septima Dieke and its Natural Enemy.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 9(6): 2637-2642. doi:
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