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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 9, Issue:6, June, 2020

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : /
Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2020.9(6): 2117-2121

Effect of Weed Management and Nutrient Application on Soil Enzyme Activity, pH, EC, Organic Carbon and Available Nutrients in Soil at Harvest of Quality Protein Maize
Versha Gupta*, Arvind Verma, Jai Prakash Bhimwal and S. K. Dhaka
Department of Agronomy, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur, India
*Corresponding author

A field experiment was conducted during kharif and rabi seasons of2015-16 and 2016-17 at Udaipur to evaluate the effect of weed and nutrient management on quality protein maize. The experiment consisted of nine weed management treatments viz., weedy check, hand weeding at 15 DAS and 35 DAS, tembotrione 0.125 kg ha-1 at 20 DAS, alachlor 2 kg ha-1 as PE fb hand weeding at 35 DAS, atrazine 0.5 kg ha-1 as PEfb hand weeding at 35 DAS, tembotrione 0.125 kg ha-1 at 20 DAS fb hand weeding at 35 DAS, alachlor 2 kg ha-1 + atrazine 0.5 kg ha-1 as PE fb hand weeding at 35 DAS, alachlor 2 kg ha-1 as PE fb tembotrione 0.125 kg ha-1 at 20 DAS and atrazine 0.5 kg ha-1 as PE fb tembotrione 0.125 kg ha-1 at 20 DAS with three nutrient management treatments viz., NPK, NPK+Zn and NPKS+Zn, thereby making 27 treatment combinations. The experiment was laid out in split plot design, assigning weed management to main plots and nutrient management to sub plots. The treatments were replicated thrice. Maize cv. Pratap QPM-1 used as test crop. Soil enzyme activity, pH, EC and organic carbon at harvest of QPM were found unaffected with various weed and nutrient management treatments. Further, different weed and nutrient management treatments failed to cause any significant effect on available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur nutrients in soil at harvest of QPM.

Keywords: Atrazine, Alachlor, Tembotrione, Quality protein maize, pH, EC, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur

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How to cite this article:

Versha Gupta, Arvind Verma, Jai Prakash Bhimwal and Dhaka. S. K. 2020. Effect of Weed Management and Nutrient Application on Soil Enzyme Activity, pH, EC, Organic Carbon and Available Nutrients in Soil at Harvest of Quality Protein Maize.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 9(6): 2117-2121. doi:
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